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Remove Sexual Debris of Unconscious Partners

Remove Sexual Debris of Unconscious Partners

This Activation will activate you to clear and remove the SEXUAL DEBRIS OF ALL PARTNERS YOU HAVE BEEN WITH. 


It will remove the DNA Infestation that causes you to Eat, Sleep, Talk, Behave like them DUE TO THEIR UN-REMOVED SEXUAL DEBRIS FROM YOUR CHAKRA SYSTEM. 


You trap energy of all sexual partners until healed, Therefore take this activation to clear their debris to manifest in alignment with God. 


Your manifestation cycles/likes/dislikes are shaped by their DEBRIS as you RECEIVE their DNA during sexual encounters. 


It’s imperative to remove their wounding as YOU DON’T WANT/NEED THIER DNA!! 


You must release their energy else their DNA WILL CONTROL YOUR TIMELINES!




As you remove the DEBRIS of all partners you have been with, You will begin to come back to yourself and heal the wounded inner child. 


Those of you stuck in an endless loop of healing are suffering due to this. You’re endeavour to Heal yourself is futile until YOU REMOVE THEIR DEBRIS FROM YOUR DNA. 


As soon as you activate yourself with this transmission, Their imprints will begin to come up for you to observe the things you feel and act upon due to them. 


Your body organs are also HARVESTED TO PAIN until you remove the said debris. 


Pain codes from the reptilian DNA will control you body through their DNA until removed and you will keep HURTING YOURSELF. 


You don’t want anyone controlling your body due to this, Therefore take this Activation and Heal. 


Directions: Take this Activation 5 Times a Weekend X 10 Weekends 


Give a gap of 5 weekends then repeat. 


Repeat the process x 3 times. 


Meditate afterwards to be more receptive to the downloads that come through. You may experience;


Emotional release/stomach release/vomiting/headaches/insomnia/sudden rage etc. All reactions to these transmissions are normal. Feel such emotions and let them go. 


That’s how a Toxic Program leave your Divine Vessel! 


You will receive a link via Email to download the Same. 



$111.00 Regular Price
$11.11Sale Price
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